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Cartwright named co-chair of taskforce to create jobs

The Times Leader

U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Moosic, announced this week that he will serve in a leadership role in the Jobs for America task forces — a unified effort from the House Democratic Caucus to craft a legislative agenda to benefit hardworking Americans and middle-class families.

Cartwright will serve as co-chair for the Rebuilding America Task Force.

“Investing in infrastructure will put Americans back to work, spur economic development, improve quality of life, and connect our communities,” Cartwright said in a press release. “I’m committed to finding policy solutions that will improve our country’s infrastructure and expand economic opportunities for working families.”

The Rebuilding America Task Force will focus on modernizing the nation’s infrastructure, expanding job opportunities in key industries, launching a school construction boom, updating the U.S. power grid and water infrastructure, and taking a visionary approach to projects needed to put the country at the forefront of innovation.

The Rebuilding America Task Force is one of five Jobs for America task forces aimed at identifying opportunities and solutions for American workers in five key areas — Rebuilding America, Jobs with Dignity, Access to Jobs, New Economy, and Reinvesting in Our Returning Heroes.

In the coming months, the task forces will meet with business and labor leaders, issue experts, and American workers to develop policy goals and solutions that will benefit all Americans. The effort was launched by the House Democratic Caucus.