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Rep. Cartwright Talks Affordable Health Care, Lowering Prescription Drug Prices with Area Seniors

Clarks Summit, PA – Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) visited the Abington Senior Community Center with affordable health care advocacy group, Protect Our Care, to hear constituents’ concerns about access to affordable health care.

Rep. Cartwright discussed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3), and his opposition to Medicare and Medicaid cuts proposed in the White House budget.

Many constituents told Rep. Cartwright how Medicare ensures they can get the medication they need. One constituent, Rose Kamla of South Abington Township, told Rep. Cartwright that Medicare helps pay for her Rheumatoid Arthritis medication.

“In the House, we are passing bills to finally put an end to big drug companies’ inexcusable price-gouging practices, get lower-cost generic drugs to market faster, and expand Medicare benefits,” said Rep. Cartwright. “Meanwhile, Washington Republicans want to slash funding for Medicare and Medicaid, critical health care lifelines for older Pennsylvanians with long-term care needs. The stories I heard today reinforce the urgent need to get these bills across the finish line and defend against cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.”

“Congressman Cartwright is a tireless fighter for lower prescription drug prices. We’re proud to stand with him today and talk to folks about the work he is doing championing H.R. 3 and get their thoughts on what else needs to be done on this vital issue,” Protect Our Care said in a statement.


Rep. Cartwright has helped pass legislation in the U.S. House to address the high costs of prescription drugs in the U.S. In December, the House passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, landmark legislation to give Medicare the power to negotiate directly with big drug companies to bring down prices on up to 250 drugs per year. These lower prices would not only be available to Medicare beneficiaries, but also to Americans with private insurance. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that this bill would generate approximately $500 billion over the next ten years in taxpayer savings, which would be reinvested into expanding Medicare benefits to cover things like dental, vision and hearing, and combatting the opioid epidemic. More information on the Lower Drug Costs Now Act can be viewed here.

In May of last year, Rep. Cartwright voted in favor of the Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act (H.R. 987), an omnibus bill that includes provisions to ensure generic drugs can come to market as soon as patent and exclusivity periods end. Generic market entry saved the U.S. health care system $293 billion in 2018, including $90.3 billion for Medicare alone, or $2,254 per enrollee.

Both H.R. 3 and H.R. 987 remain stalled in the U.S. Senate.

Even as health care costs continue to rise, Washington Republicans have proposed deep cuts to programs that help northeastern Pennsylvanians get health care. The recently released White House budget proposes to slash funding for Medicare and Medicaid by $500 billion and $900 billion, respectively, over the next ten years. Rep. Cartwright has spoken out against these proposed cuts, and last month, he joined several of his colleagues in the Pennsylvania Democratic Congressional delegation in expressing concern with a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposal to block grant Medicaid funding.