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Rep. Cartwright: Ryan-Republican Budget Forces Pennsylvania's Seniors to Pay More for Less

New Report Shows Seniors Will Pay More Out-of-Pocket for Health Coverage, Preventive Care, Prescription Drugs

Today, Rep. Cartwright released a new report detailing the devastating impact of the Ryan-Republican budget on the health and economic security of seniors in Pennsylvania and across the country. 

Even after the American people rejected the Republican budget in the last election, Republicans have presented yet another plan that ends the Medicare guarantee and raises costs for seniors while delivering tax breaks for millionaires and protecting tax loopholes for special interests.

“Pennsylvania's seniors cannot afford the Republican budget.  It is nothing more than more of the same – another attempt to end Medicare as we know it, protect the wealthy and special interests, and ask the middle class and seniors to pay the price,” Rep. Cartwright said.  “The Republican plan forces seniors to pay more out-of-pocket to get less in care.  It’s just plain wrong.”

The state-by-state report shows that the Republican proposal will increase seniors’ health care costs by re-opening the ‘donut hole’ and raising seniors’ costs for preventive services, converting Medicare into a voucher program for those now 45-54, and reducing access to nursing home care. 

All told, this Republican budget would mean 222,703 seniors in Pennsylvania would pay extra for prescription drugs and 1,756,762 would be forced to pay more for preventive health services.  In addition, 1,940,404 residents of Pennsylvania aged 45-54 will lose access to the traditional Medicare program and be forced into a voucher program when they turn 65.  Finally, the Republican budget would slash $28.91 billion in Medicaid funding for nursing home care and other services for seniors and the disabled in Pennsylvania, harming the care for nursing home residents.

“Republicans are willing to balance the budget on the backs of America’s seniors – and Democrats are prepared to stand firm by the promise of Medicare for all American workers,” Rep. Cartwright added.  “We must keep working to strengthen Medicare, not end it, and preserve this pillar of economic security for generations to come.”