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Congressman Cartwright Legislation Added to ‘Make it in America’ Program

This week, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright’s Job Creation through Energy Efficient Manufacturing Act, introduced on March 7th of this year, was added to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (MD-5) “Make it in America” legislative program. 

Cartwright joined his colleagues, including Whip Hoyer and Democratic Caucus Vice-Chair Joe Crowley (NY-14), on Wednesday to discuss his legislation that would establish a Financing Energy Efficient Manufacturing Program under the Department of Energy to provide competitive grants to states to establish or expand programs to finance energy efficient retrofit, onsite clean and renewable energy, smart grid, and alternative vehicle fleet projects for industrial businesses.

“Investing in energy efficiency creates jobs,” Cartwright said.  “By investing in energy efficiency, the American manufacturing sector will save money on energy costs which can be reinvested in modernizing facilities, hiring new workers, and making American manufacturing more competitive.”

House Democrats’ “Make it in America Agenda,” a plan that focuses on creating the conditions for American businesses and middle-class America to thrive.  The bill – introduced in the Senate by U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) – has also been included in the Senate’s Manufacturing Jobs for America initiative.