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Cartwright Announces $50,000 to Support Industry Expansion and Job Growth

Scranton, PA – U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) today announced that the City of Scranton will receive a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan for the city.

In addition to ARC funds, local sources will provide $50,000, bringing the total project funding to $100,000. With this investment, the City of Scranton will focus on crafting community and economic development goals and strategies that capitalize on local assets; engage community leaders; leverage the involvement of the private sector; and establish a strategic blueprint for community collaboration to create the environment for economic prosperity in and around the City of Scranton.

“Scranton is the largest city in Northeastern Pennsylvania and home to some of the best universities, hospitals and small businesses in the Commonwealth. But a lot of people and businesses are hurting right now – these resources will help Scranton create a plan for long term success for all of them,” said Rep. Cartwright, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. “ARC grants have provided a lifeline to our towns and cities, especially during this time of crisis. That’s why I have made providing robust funding for the Commission a top priority every year.”

In fiscal year 2021, Cartwright successfully fought to fund ARC at $180 million for fiscal year 2021 – a $5 million increase over fiscal year 2020.

“The funding will help us develop a comprehensive strategic plan alongside our community partners to chart a course for growth for Scranton,” said Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti. “We appreciate Congressman Cartwright’s work on our behalf and the generosity of The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce and The Scranton Area Community Foundation. We’re excited to get to work on this.”

“NEPA Alliance is proud to have assisted the City of Scranton in securing ARC funding for their strategic planning initiative. We thank Congressman Cartwright for his continued support for funding for the Appalachian Regional Commission, which positively impacts Northeastern Pennsylvania annually,” said Jeffrey Box, President & CEO of NEPA Alliance.