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Congress seeks solutions to energy, inflation, supply-chain issues

The Citizens' Voice

I’ve come to find there are a lot of people in government who would rather assign blame or create controversies than just do an honest day’s work and find solutions. The people of this region work hard, and deserve to know they have a representative in Congress who is fighting for them. That’s what I do every single day and that is what I’ll keep doing as long as I have the honor of serving you. I work for you.

From the grocery aisle to the gas pump, we in Northeastern Pennsylvania know the pain of higher prices. It’s a problem driven in part by a global supply chain overwhelmed by a rush of demand for consumer goods as we get past the effects of COVID-19. It’s also caused by the greed of big oil companies looking to fatten their bottom lines by overcharging us.

Our community is not immune from these forces and challenges. I’ve heard firsthand from mothers who have had to cut back on their family grocery lists. I’ve spoken to young men and women about how the cost of gas has cratered their bank accounts. Working people are living paycheck to paycheck.

Read more here.