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Cartwright Earns Top Ranking on Common Ground Scorecard for Working Across Party Lines

PA Congressman Scores in Top 10% of All Elected Officials for Finding Common Ground with Colleagues

Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08) has been named a Common Ground Champion on the Common Ground Scorecard for his ongoing efforts to work across party lines on important issues to move the country forward. He has earned a score of 71 out of 110 points, putting him in the Top 10 percent of all elected officials for finding common ground with his colleagues in Congress on both sides of the aisle.

The Common Ground Scorecard is the first-ever measurement tool of elected officials and candidates for office – including U.S. House Members, U.S. Senators and governors. The Scorecard shows on a scale of 0-110 how much these elected officials seek to find common ground with members of the other political party. The 2024 Scorecard, released by Common Ground Committee (CGC), shows that Rep. Cartwright’s score of 71 is 40 points higher than the overall average score of 31.

“Since arriving in Congress, I’ve worked with Democrats and Republicans to get things done. As a result, I’ve introduced more bills with Democratic and Republican support than any other House Democrat since I was first elected. So far, I’ve succeeded in authoring and passing 16 substantive bills into law, signed and enacted by the last three presidents,” Congressman Cartwright said.  “I firmly believe people want their elected leaders to work together in order to do what’s right for our country. I’m committed to working in a bipartisan manner to find areas of common ground on matters that will make a positive difference in the lives of the people I serve, regardless of political affiliation.”

The Common Ground Scorecard was first released prior to the 2020 election and is updated annually by CGC, a nonpartisan, citizen-led organization devoted to improving public discourse in politics. In addition to their commitments and personal actions, CGC also incorporates third-party rankings on bipartisanship and other public sources of data.

“While personal attacks and social media spats in Congress get the most attention, most Americans probably don’t realize there are earnest and dedicated Members like Congressman Matt Cartwright, striving each day to solve the complex problems our country faces,” said Common Ground Committee Co-founder Erik Olsen. “We understand that Americans want their leaders to do the hard work necessary to find areas of agreement when possible, and we applaud Congressman Matt Cartwright for his work seeking out common ground on our country’s toughest challenges.”

For more information on the Common Ground Scorecard and Rep. Matt Cartwright’s score, visit here.