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Fiscal Responsibilty

Cartwright’s Opening Remarks for USPS Field Hearing

Today, Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08) provided opening remarks to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations during a field hearing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to examine drops in the U.S. Postal Service’s mail delivery performance, recent increases in postal mail theft and crime, and whether the Postal Service is prepared to effectively receive and deliver mail-in…

Postal service skewered for its poor performance during a bipartisan hearing in Philadelphia

In a congressional hearing in Philadelphia Wednesday, legislators publicly flogged the U.S. Postal Service for its poor performance in Pennsylvania for the last few years, with delayed, missing and stolen mail, staffing shortages, and crime against postal workers. “We’ve heard horror stories from constituents that the U.S. mail is going unsorted and without enough workers to deliver it,”…

Congress seeks solutions to energy, inflation, supply-chain issues

I’ve come to find there are a lot of people in government who would rather assign blame or create controversies than just do an honest day’s work and find solutions. The people of this region work hard, and deserve to know they have a representative in Congress who is fighting for them. That’s what I do every single day and that is what I’ll keep doing as long as I have the honor of serving you. I work for you.

House Passes Appropriations Package with $19.6 Million Included for NEPA Projects

U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) yesterday voted to pass a fiscal year 2022 appropriations package. The defense portion of the legislation passed on a 361-69 vote, while the domestic spending portion passed on a 260-171 vote. In addition to strong funding for infrastructure, job training, education, veterans’ health care and more, the package includes $19.6 million in direct…

Cartwright Announces Community Project Funding Opportunities Available for FY22 Funding Bills

Eighth Congressional District, PA – U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) today announced that the House will accept Member requests for Community Project Funding in appropriations bills for fiscal year 2022. “For the past several years, federal agencies have had the final word on how taxpayer dollars were spent. This year, Community Project Funding opportunities will give…