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Rep. Cartwright Releases Statement on Clean Power Plan

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final version of the Clean Power Plan, which will place the first ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants. U.S Representative Matt Cartwright released the following statement.

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final version of the Clean Power Plan, which will place the first ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants.  U.S Representative Matt Cartwright released the following statement:

“The Clean Power Plan sets a clear path towards America’s energy future, a plan that will protect public health, invest in clean, renewable energy development, boost energy efficiency measures, and lower electric bills in the long run.

“The plan strengthens our economy and communities in large part through an emphasis on energy efficiency.  This year I have introduced three pieces of legislation which address energy efficiency within our schools, non-profit organizations, and manufacturing.  I remain committed to promoting energy efficiency and will continue to fight in support of this initiative.”