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Federal representatives tour rural solar project in the Poconos


Since 2021, the USDA has invested $40.7 million in 349 projects throughout Pennsylvania. “This is making life better and cheaper for people in rural places," said Cartwright.

The row of discrete solar panels at Lukan's Farm Resort generates enough energy to power 15 homes.

"Energy costs are always on the rise. And we're trying to be forward thinking and move towards green energy," said president and co-owner John Hocreither. "And hopefully eliminate electric bills."

The resort in Wayne County is one of nine organizations that received funding through the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Energy for America (REAP) program. The projects include several industries and total $695,505; 75% were funded through the Inflation Reduction Act.

"These are innovations that will help increase income growth ... address climate change and lower energy costs for American families," said U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright.

Cartwright was joined by Bob Morgan from the USDA and local officials at the resort Tuesday. They held a press conference in the dining room before moving outside to check out the solar panels on the resort's hotel roof. Buselli Solutions installed the panels.

Since 2021, the USDA has invested $40.7 million in 349 projects throughout Pennsylvania.

“This is making life better and cheaper for people in rural places," said Cartwright.

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