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Rep. Cartwright Announces $500,000 HOME Grant Funding to the Borough of Girardville

U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright announced today that the Borough of Girardville has been awarded a $500,000 HOME grant.

This money, paired with a matching DCED Keystone Communities grant awarded by the state, will allow the borough to construct a six-unit low-income housing development on West Main Street.  The new facility will provide rental opportunities to six low-income families; two of the units will be handicap-accessible.  

The West Main Street building project will tear down the four remaining structures that were destroyed in a 2011 fire, and build the housing complex in its place.  The Borough has already acquired the eight adjoining parcels, which it will eventually transfer to Schuylkill Community Action (SCA). 

SCA will own, manage, and maintain the six townhouse-style units.  Through its execution of a Restrictive Covenants Agreement, the apartments should be affordable to low-income families for 20 years. 

“What makes the HOME Program unique is that it awards federal funding through the state, so the receiving communities have room to customize their projects according to their needs,” Rep. Cartwright said. “I am pleased that such a competitive grant process has continued to recognize the merits of the 17th district.” 

The HOME Program was designed to strengthen the values of community development by allowing local governments to cater to their own housing needs, supporting affordable housing organizations.  The Program also requires participating jurisdictions to match 25 cents of every dollar in HOME funding, in an effort to mobilize community resources toward affordable housing.  The federal HOME Grant is awarded to state governments, which then allocate the money to its communities as needed.