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Cartwright Votes to Reduce Flight Delays, But More Must Be Done

Today, U.S. Rep. Cartwright voted yes on H.R. 1765, the Reducing Flight Delays Act. 

This bill would allow the Transportation Secretary to transfer up to $253 million in carryover balances from the Airport Improvement Program (AIP), which could offset the cost of ending the furloughs of air traffic controllers and the 149 Contract Towers. 

“This legislation is good news for travelers, as delays have affected 20% to 25% of daily flights this week, but this is no substitute for action to replace the sequester with broad-based balanced deficit reduction that the country supports,” said Cartwright.

Last night, the Senate passed an identical bill by unanimous consent, and automatically provided that if the House sends over an identical bill, it will be cleared and sent to the President.

“The House leadership must find the same sense of urgency and bipartisan cooperation to help the families who have had children kicked out of Head Start, the seniors who have lost access to Meals on Wheels, the hard-working employees who have been laid off due to defense cuts, and the 750,000 Americans who have lost a job or won't find one because of the sequester by acting on a balanced deficit reduction plan,” said Cartwright

While decrying the impact of the cuts, House Republicans have fully embraced the sequester -- voting seven times against considering a fair, balanced Democratic proposal to replace the sequester and blocking negotiations to get a final budget that stops the sequester done in order to protect special interest tax breaks.

Cartwright was sworn in to Congress on January 3rd.