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Cartwright Statement: Federal Government to Increase Use of Renewable Energy to 20% by 2020

Today, President Obama announced that the federal government will begin to increase its use of renewable energy to 20% by 2020.  Below is Congressman Matt Cartwright’s statement on the announcement:

“Saying the government should lead by example, President Obama announced today that he is ordering the federal government to increase its use of renewable energy to 20 percent by 2020, nearly triple the 7.5 percent currently used. The increase is part of a broader, wide-ranging, second term drive to combat climate change and prepare for its effects by limiting pollution.

“The President’s new order applies to all federal agencies, civilian and military.  Federal agencies have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by more than 15 percent since he took office in 2009, President Obama said, but the government can do even better.

“Under the new order, federal agencies face several milestones along the way to achieving the goal of 20 percent renewable energy use by 2020:

  • 2015: At least 10 percent
  • 2016, 2017: At least 15 percent
  • 2018, 2019: At least 17.5 percent

“The order also requires agencies to install energy meters and water maters where appropriate to monitor efficiency and to publicly disclose energy performance data through the Energy Department.

“I strongly support President Obama for instituting these much needed renewable energy policies.    Warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests.  These carbon emissions and the impacts of a changing climate are far-reaching; a threat not only to our natural ecosystems but to national security and public health as well.  In 2012 alone, the cost of weather disasters exceeded $110 billion in the United States, and climate change will only increase the frequency and intensity of these events.  These threats demand immediate attention and protecting our environment must be a high budgetary, legislative, and regulatory priority.  Continuing to invest in and use sustainable clean energy is essential in addressing these issues.

“I encourage Pennsylvania to follow in the footsteps of the President’s new order and increase the amount of renewable energy powering Pennsylvania homes and businesses by boosting the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard.  Currently, these standards require all load-serving energy companies in the state to supply only 8 percent of the Pennsylvania’s electricity using renewable energy sources by 2020, far below neighboring state requirements of 20 to 30 percent as well as the 20 percent goal for federal agencies outlined by the President today.  On November 12, State Senator Leach introduced legislation to amend Pennsylvania’s standards to a goal of 15 percent renewable energy usage by 2020.   I agree with Senator Leach’s statement that “by amending these standards, we will not only reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, we’ll also make Pennsylvania competitive with neighboring states, create thousands of jobs, stimulate the economy with investment capital, protect our environment and preserve public health,” and I urge the Pennsylvania legislature to pass this legislation.

“We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that’s not polluted or damaged, and by taking an all-of-the-above approach to develop homegrown, renewable energy and steady, responsible steps to cut carbon pollution, we can protect our kids’ health and begin to slow the effects of climate change so we leave a cleaner, more stable environment for future generations.  I believe President Obama’s new order is the best approach to meeting this obligation by striving for realistic, attainable and aggressive goals in reducing our use of fossil fuel sources and increasing the use of alternative green energy sources, and I hope that Pennsylvania will implement a similar strategy.”