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Rep. Cartwright Statement on the Release of Pope Francis’ Encyclical

Today, Pope Francis–the leader of more than 1 billion Catholics worldwide–released a papal encyclical, “Laudato Si, On the Care of our Common Home”.  The encyclical echoes what we already know, the climate is changing and human actions, especially the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels, are the cause.  The encyclical goes on to urge the world’s  governments to act, calling on developed nations to lead, citing the disproportionate impacts that climate change will have on the world’s poor and those living in developing countries:

“I welcome the Pope’s encyclical on the need for the world to address climate change.  I share the Pope’s belief that we should all be good stewards of God’s creation, preserve it for future generations, and care for our vulnerable brothers and sisters.  That’s why I believe the federal government should adopt policies to address climate change and better plan for its effects, recognizing that the poor and vulnerable people will suffer disproportionately.”