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Cartwright Statement on Passage of Appropriations “Minibus” Bill

Fiscal Year 2019 Defense and Labor-HHS-Educations Appropriations Minibus passed House Wednesday

House Appropriations Committee Member Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17) released the following statement regarding final passage Wednesday of the two-bill, fiscal year 2019 “minibus” appropriations bill and a Continuing Resolution to fund remaining unfunded parts of the federal government through December 7, 2018 (in order to avoid a partial government shutdown).

“I am pleased that Congress was able to come together, in a bipartisan fashion, and pass this bill that provides a 2.6 percent increase in pay for members of our military,” Rep. Cartwright said.

“As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I’m also pleased that we have provided $4.4 billion for programs that help respond to the opioid crisis,” Cartwright said. “These funds will help with prevention, treatment, support for families and children, and innovative research to develop non-opioid pain medication.”

In addition to military pay raises and funding increases for opioid abuse prevention and treatment, the minibus appropriations package also contains funds for flu preparedness, career and technical education, veterans’ employment assistance, and heat assistance for seniors in the winter (LIHEAP).

The Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health both received significant increases in the bill, as did health research sponsored by the Pentagon on traumatic brain injuries, battlefield treatments, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

The bill has passed the Senate and heads now to President Trump for his signature.
