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Cartwright Introduces Resolution Recognizing the Need to Address Domestic Water Availability and Use

Today U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright introduced a resolution that underscores the challenges of “peak water” – a concept used to refer to the growing constraints of water availability, sustainability, and use – and that emphasizes the urgent need to address the situation.

A recent GAO report concerning water availability in the U.S. found that population growth, extreme weather, and the lack of information on water availability and use, continue to complicate state water planning efforts.  Forty of fifty state water managers expect water shortages to occur in their states over the next ten years.  In addition, the report found that increased collaboration among federal agencies and collaboration between federal, state and local water authorities, as well as enhanced data collection, would strengthen water management activities.

“Presently, there are serious physical, environmental, and economical limitations on the availability of water,” said U.S. Rep. Cartwright, a Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.  “We must utilize water in a responsible and sustainable manner to ensure that water resources remain available for current and future generations’ use.”

The resolution expresses the need to better understand water availability, sustainability, and security at a national scale.  The legislation also highlights the urgent need to prioritize an assessment of the quantity and quality of water resources within the country.

Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Choose Clean Water Coalition, and The Nature Conservancy has endorsed the legislation.