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Cartwright Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Including AmeriCorps

Today, U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright introduced a bipartisan resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) with the support of 26 additional members of Congress.  Companion legislation has been introduced in the Senate by Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL).

Since 1994, more than 39,000 Pennsylvania residents have participated in CNCS programs and served for over 51 million hours at more than 2,800 locations throughout the state.

“Each day, CNCS provides millions of volunteers with the opportunity to serve and achieve a positive change within thousands of communities across the state and around the country addressing a wide range of issues,” said Cartwright.  “I am proud to work with Senator Nelson to celebrate CNCS’ 20th anniversary and look forward to the continued impact of the agency.”

“Over the past 20 years, millions of people have been able to give back through programs organized by CNCS,” said Nelson.  “Americans have become more involved in their community, and neighborhoods and towns across this country are stronger as a result.  It’s been an impressive 20 years, and I know CNCS will continue to build upon that success in the future.”

Since 1993, the CNCS has operated as an independent Federal agency, overseeing all national and community service programs authorized by the National and

Community Service Act of 1993 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.  These programs include AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America.  Each year, CNCS engages more than five million Americans in service.

Original Cosponsors:

Rep. Madeleine Bordallo [GU], Rep. Tony Cárdenas [CA-29], Rep. Joaquin Castro [TX-20], Rep. David Cicilline [RI-01], Rep. Yvette Clarke [NY-09], Rep. Steve Cohen [TN-09], Rep. Rosa DeLauro [CT-03], Rep. Suzan DelBene [WA-01], Rep. Sam Farr [CA-20],  Rep. Michael Honda [CA-17], Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee  [TX-18], Rep. Barbara Lee [CA-13], Rep. David Loebsack [IA-02], Rep. Betty McCollum [MN-04], Rep. James McGovern [MA-02],  Rep. Eleanor Norton [DC], Rep. David Price [NC-04], Rep. Charles Rangel [NY-13], Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [CA-40], Rep. John Sarbanes [MD-03], Rep. Adam Smith [WA-09], Rep. Steve Stivers [OH-15], Rep. Chris Van Hollen [MD-08], Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [FL-23], Rep. Maxine Waters [CA-43], Rep. Frederica Wilson [FL-24]