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Cartwright Introduces Bill to Make the Right to Vote Accessible for All

U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright recently introduced the Time Off to Vote Act (H.R. 2350).  The legislation would require employers to grant their workers at least two hours of paid leave to vote in federal elections.  Such a provision already exists in 24 states, and this bill would act to ensure that citizens everywhere have a voice in their government, regardless of where they happen to work. 

“At a time when some states are actually going out of their way to attempt to make it more difficult for Americans to vote, we must understand that the right to vote is essential to our democracy,” said Cartwright.  “While the days of poll taxes and literacy tests are behind us, impediments to voting still remain.” 

Employers in 26 states are not required to give their workers paid leave to vote.  In 19 states, employers are not required to let their employees leave work to vote at all.  In this environment, employees can be actively prohibited by their employers from leaving work to vote, and many others choose not to attend the polls because they simply cannot afford the 1-3 hours of unpaid time that voting often requires.  For example, an individual working a 40-hour job at minimum wage would forgo 5% of their weekly salary if they take off two hours to vote.

“We can no longer afford laws that push people out of the electorate. For the United States to be a true democracy, every eligible American must be able to cast a ballot without suffering a burdensome economic sacrifice,” said Cartwright.  “Voting should not be a luxury that only the well-off can afford.”

Cartwright was sworn into congress on January 3rd of this year.