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Cartwright Announces $215,000 to Support Business Growth and Jobs

U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) today announced that the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center, Inc. (NEPIRC) will receive $140,234 and the Northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA) Alliance will receive $75,000 through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to support local businesses, jobs, and community investment.

Cartwright successfully fought to secure $175 million for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) in fiscal year 2020.

“Both the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center and the NEPA Alliance have been leaders in helping businesses throughout the region respond to challenges and adapt to changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding ensures they can continue to do this meaningful work as the crisis continues,” said Rep. Cartwright, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. “ARC grants have provided a lifeline to businesses and protected jobs across Northeastern Pennsylvania during this challenging time, which is why I have made providing robust funding for the commission a top priority.”

“This Appalachian Regional Commission support will provide us with the resources our regional manufacturers need to recover from the financial, operational and employment impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic more quickly and comprehensively while also becoming better prepared for a similar economic disruption in the future. By providing small grants to manufacturers seeking to implement COVID-19 mitigation plans, this program will break down a significant barrier to small manufacturer engagement,” said Eric Joseph Esoda, President and CEO of NEPIRC. “We are thankful to our regional partners, such as the NEPA Alliance, our advisors within the PA Department of Community & Economic Development, the staff at ARC and our representatives in Washington, D.C. for once again acknowledging the importance of manufacturing to our community and the value of industrial careers to our region and Commonwealth.”

“NEPA Alliance is grateful for Congressman Cartwright’s support of new financing initiatives. This funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission will be used to seek the region’s first allocation of New Markets Tax Credits and to support the launch of an Angel Fund for new and early stage businesses. These initiatives will leverage private investments to create jobs and revitalize distressed communities improving all of Northeastern PA,” said Jeffrey Box, President & CEO of NEPA Alliance.

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center aims to mitigate the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on area businesses. They will utilize funds in conjunction with $115,234 from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to serve 30 businesses and 7 communities, improve 20 businesses and 7 communities, create 80 jobs, and retain 400 jobs while leveraging $1 million in private investment, according to the ARC project announcement.

The NEPA Alliance’s project will serve 25 businesses and 40 communities, create 25 new jobs, and retain 100 jobs while leveraging $900,000 in private investment. The project seeks to close the capital gap that impedes businesses from accessing the investment dollars needed to start or expand their operations and invest in local communities, according to the ARC project announcement.