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Announcing: Combined Fire and Public Safety Station

Fox-56 Wolf-TV

"Every American deserves to feel safe and secure in their own homes and communities, and one of the ways we accomplish this is having adequately staffed and equipped emergency and first response services. We are lucky to have such capable and dedicated first responders who are always willing to go above and beyond" - Congressman Matt Cartwright

It’s been rough for the first responders of Moosic. The Moosic Police Department Headquarters was forced to close due to a mold issue, and the Greenwood Hose Company was running out of space to fit newer and bigger equipment.

But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, as Congressman Matt Cartwright and Moosic Mayor Robert Bennie announced a plan to construct a new facility for both police and firefighters. The three million dollar plan will go towards the construction of a new facility that will bring both police and fire services together.

Read more here.