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Cartwright Statement on Medicare Disinformation Campaign

Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08) released the following statement in the wake of a disinformation campaign by the insurance industry that the White House aims to cut Medicare:

"Social Security and Medicare represent our promise to seniors of a secure retirement, and I’m committed to protecting these programs. I’ve been a strong advocate for the protection of Social Security and Medicare since my first day in office and continue to serve as a champion for seniors, making sure we provide every retiree with the financial security they deserve.

I was a proud co-sponsor of the Social Security 2100, a Sacred Trust (H.R. 5723), and the Social Security 2100 Act (H.R. 860),  bills to strengthen and expand Social Security. I also co-sponsored legislation to expand Medicare to include vision, dental and hearing coverage.

Over the past several weeks, the insurance industry has been running a massive, $2 million disinformation campaign to scare seniors into believing the Biden administration is cutting Medicare. Insurance companies, backed by some Republicans in Congress, are attempting to flip the true narrative of their intent to cut programs like Medicare, spreading falsehoods to scare seniors and maintain their sky-high profits.

I know that Medicare delivers real value to millions of seniors.  I also recognize that it’s one of the most popular and important services the government provides, and I’ll keep fighting to keep it that way."