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Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo visits Pittston

The Sunday Dispatch

“It was an honor to welcome Secretary Raimondo to Northeastern Pennsylvania and show off Pittston’s many thriving small businesses and impressive revitalization Pittston has undergone a real renaissance in the last decade,” Cartwright said. “It was a lively and engaging discussion about how we can create new economic opportunities for Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

The U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo visited the City of Pittston along with U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright to engage in a roundtable discussion on economic development and community revitalization along with business leaders and heads of area Chambers of Commerce.

City of Pittston Mayor Michael Lombardo and his staff welcomed Raimondo and Cartwright by giving them a brief tour of the city prior to the discussion.

The City of Pittston has been going through a long-term revitalization since Lombardo was elected in 1998. His goal then as it is now is to bring jobs and housing to the city while revitalizing the downtown area.

Raimondo, Cartwright, Lombardo and Pittston City’s Main Street Manager Mary Kroptavich visited several of the downtown businesses while explaining the changes that have been made over the last 25 years.

Read more here.