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Reps. Cartwright and Moore Named Co-Chairs of House Military Depot Caucus, Join Senior Army Leaders on Capitol Hill

Legislators Briefed on Military Modernization and Readiness at Today’s Army Depot Caucus Breakfast

U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA-08) and U.S. Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT-01) have been named Co-Chairs of the bipartisan House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus and delivered remarks at today’s Army Depot Caucus Breakfast on Capitol Hill.

The Congressional leaders were also briefed by Gen. Charles R. Hamilton, Commanding General of the Army Materiel Command, on the Army’s Organic Industrial Base (OIB) modernization plan and the critical role it plays in ensuring Army readiness.

The OIB manufactures, resets and maintains Army equipment, providing critical materiel and sustainment support to warfighters across the Joint Force. The Army’s industrial base is made up of 23 depots, arsenals and ammunition plants, including Tobyhanna Army Depot in Monroe County.

“Today’s increasingly complex and unstable global environment reinforces, more than ever, the importance of synchronizing and integrating our military’s capabilities and resources so that our Nation can rapidly respond to any threat,” said Rep. Cartwright in his opening remarks. “Our depots, arsenals and ammunitions plants are the most important element of military readiness and in my district, the hardworking men and women at Tobyhanna Army Depot toil tirelessly to keep the American war fighter equipped with the best technology. From navigational equipment to missile guidance and control, Tobyhanna is a role model for government efficiency and American ingenuity. Across the country, our military industrial facilities are fundamental to ensuring our freedoms and I’m thrilled for this opportunity to continue to advocate for them. That’s why I’m proud to join the House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus as a Co-Chair and look forward to working alongside Rep. Moore to provide the resources our industrial bases need to serve and protect our Nation."

The bipartisan House Military Depot and Industrial Facilities Caucus advocates for American military depots, arsenals, ammunition plants, shipyards, energetic material production facilities and military industrial facilities throughout the nation and world. The group educates members of Congress and the public on matters of critical importance to the military depot and industrial facility community, and champions policy to keep American military airplanes flying, ships steaming, and stock moving worldwide.  

“Since 1943, the Ogden Depot has served both our nation and Northern Utah’s rapidly growing economy. Originally a support to the war effort during WWII, it has now expanded into today’s sprawling Air Logistic Complex and the Air Force’s premiere ‘Fighter Depot.’ The Ogden Depot’s nearly 9,000 military and civilian servicemembers provide maintenance support to both our legacy air platforms and emerging next-gen technologies,” said Rep. Moore. “More importantly, the Ogden Depot serves as the heart and soul of Northern Utah’s communities, providing diverse opportunities, including entry-level trade and technical jobs to highly skilled scientific positions. The future of Hill Air Force Base and the Ogden Air Logistics Complex is strong, and the Depot Caucus further strengthens Capitol Hill’s coalition advocating for our Depots. I am thrilled to welcome Congressman Cartwright as our new Co-Chair, and I am eager to champion our nation’s depots across all services.”