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News Cartwright promotes local environmental, economic accomplishments


U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright was the keynote speaker Thursday night at Luzerne County Community College, allowing him to articulate his support for the Biden administration’s environmental and economic accomplishments. The event went off without a hitch, save for a single, pro-Palestinian protest midway through Cartwright’s remarks.

Cartwright was joined in speaking at the event by a number of labor leaders and environmental advocates, each with their own projects that have been directly or symbolically supported by Biden’s environmental agenda. Each speaker highlighted the ways in which these federal initiatives have impacted their local community, including Cartwright’s 8th congressional district.

“Nanticoke and Scranton were among the first school districts across the country to benefit from the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program, which will provide $5 billion over the next five years to replace existing school buses with zero emission and low emission models,” Cartwright said.

The Clean School Bus Program had its first wave of funding in 2022.

Cartwright expressed his admiration for the event’s host and organizers, noting that conversations like the one held Thursday evening are important tools for inspiring new economic opportunities in his district.

“As a U.S. Rep., it is my role to make sure the conditions are right for our area to further prosper,” Cartwright said.

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