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Fiscal Responsibilty

Rep. Cartwright Introduces Legislation Promoting Financial Literacy

Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright reintroduced the Financial Literacy for Students Act (H.R. 346)with the support of 29 colleagues. The Act would create incentive grants to states who agree to provide financial literacy education in Title I public elementary and secondary schools.  Additionally, the legislation would allow for significant flexibility, creativity and…

Cartwright Introduces Legislation Aimed at Tackling Nations Retirement Crisis

Today, U.S. Congressmen Matt Cartwright (PA-17) and Keith Ellison (MN-05) introduced the USA Retirement Funds Act.  The bill is based on similar legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA). With only one in five people having a defined-benefit pension plan and half of workers having no plan at all, the U.S. continues to face a growing retirement…

Cartwright, Ribble Introduce Legislation to Promote College Savings

Today, U.S. Congressmen Matt Cartwright (PA-17) and Reid Ribble (WI-08) introduced the bipartisan Children’s Savings Accounts Offer Parents Plenty of Reasons to Understand aNd Invest in Tuition Yearly (CSA OPPORTUNITY) Act with the support of six House colleagues. One well known type of Children’s Savings Account (CSA) is the 529 plan.  Created in 1996, 529 Plans allow…

Cartwright Applauds Inclusion of His Legislation in Appropriations Bill for 2nd Year; Will Provide Pay Raise to Nearly 2,000 Blue-Collar Federal Workers at Tobyhanna Army Depot

Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright released the following statement after the passage of H.J. Res. 124 the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2015.  The legislation provides funding for the U.S. Federal Government operations through December 11, 2014: "I am thrilled that this appropriations bill has once again adopted the language from the Wage Grade…

Cartwright and Cole Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Enhance Government Preparedness for Extreme Weather Incidents

Cartwright and Cole Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Enhance Government Preparedness for Extreme Weather Incidents Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA-17) held a press conference call announcing the introduction of the bipartisan Preparedness and Risk Management for Extreme Weather Patterns Assuring Resilience (PREPARE) Act, legislation introduced with U.S. Representative…

Congressman Cartwright Legislation Added to Make it in America Program

This week, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright’s Job Creation through Energy Efficient Manufacturing Act, introduced on March 7th of this year, was added to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (MD-5) “Make it in America” legislative program.  Cartwright joined his colleagues, including Whip Hoyer and Democratic Caucus Vice-Chair Joe Crowley (NY-14), on Wednesday to…

Congressman Cartwright to Host Coffee with your Congressman Event in Schuylkill County

U.S. Congressman Matt Cartwright will hold his first Schuylkill County “Coffee with your Congressman” in Pottsville on Monday, April 28, 2014.  The event is a casual, come-and-go opportunity for constituents to visit directly with the Congressman.  This is a part of an ongoing series of events Congressman Cartwright will hold across the Seventeenth District…

Cartwright Introduces Legislation to Protect Federal and Military Retirees from Exploitation

Today, Congressman Matt Cartwright introduced the Annuity Safety and Security Under Reasonable Enforcement (ASSURE) Act along with Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11).  The legislation, introduced with the support of 38 colleagues, aims to protect federal and military retirees by expanding ‘Truth in Lending Act’ disclosure provisions to any situation where a federal or military…

Cartwright Urges Immediate Action to Avoid Default

Building on his efforts to reopen the government, Rep. Matt Cartwright today called for protecting American families from the cost of a dangerous default by taking long-term action on the debt limit.  The need for action is highlighted by a new analysis by Ways and Means Committee Democrats that shows the consequences families in Pennsylvania would face under a default. …

Pennsylvania GOP Congressmen Hold Key to Reopen Government, Urged to Sign Discharge Petition Saturday

House Democrats wrote to several Pennsylvania House Republicans today who have expressed support for a clean government funding bill and urged them to sign onto a discharge petition this Saturday that will allow an up or down vote on a clean bill to reopen the government as early as next week.  Unless House leadership schedules an immediate vote on a clean bill, a discharge petition…