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Cartwright Announces Appalachian Regional Commission Grant for Northampton Community College Monroe

Today, U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright announced that the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has awarded a $100,000 grant to Northampton Community College (NCC) Monroe campus for the Building Information Technology Workforce Development Skills Project.

“This grant will provide funding at an opportune moment; programs that are focused on workforce development are becoming increasingly important and can result in putting Pennsylvanians back to work,” said Cartwright.  “I am pleased that the ARC has chosen to assist NCC Monroe in providing quality job training in Northeastern Pennsylvania.  I am proud to have led the opposition to the proposed Chabot Amendment, which would have zeroed out the funding for the ARC, last month.  The ARC has greatly benefited Northeastern Pennsylvania, and I remain a firm supporter of the organization. “

The grant will help fund computer and technology equipment for the NCC Monroe campus, which will provide the technology necessary for the campus to offer advanced computer courses in the Workforce Development Training Center curriculum. 

In addition to ARC funds, the Northampton Community College Foundation will provide $100,320, bringing the total project funding to $200,320.