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Cartwright on Biden’s American Jobs Plan: “This is a framework for investing in all of America’s infrastructure, in every part of the nation”

The infrastructure plan will bring money to Northeastern PA to repair and reconstruct crumbing roadways, clean up abandoned mine lands, and increase broadband accessibility in rural communities.

Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) made the following statement on President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan to rebuild our economy and create good-paying jobs for American workers:

“I have been calling for an infrastructure bill since I first got to Congress more than eight years ago, and President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is a framework for investing in all of America’s infrastructure in every part of the nation. The framework prioritizes upgrades to our roads and transit systems, delivers high-speed broadband to our rural communities, revitalizes U.S. manufacturing and more – all long overdue efforts to put millions of Americans to work in good-paying jobs and put us back on competitive footing with China. I’m especially thrilled to see a multi-billion dollar investment in reclaiming abandoned mine lands, money that will go a long way toward cleaning up the 300-plus abandoned mine sites in Northeastern Pennsylvania and create new economic growth opportunities.

“Whether they drive on crumbling roads, send their kids to school in aging buildings or struggle to get on the internet, Americans of all political stripes know from their lived experience that we need to update our infrastructure. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues in the House to turn the American Jobs Plan into law.”

An outline of the American Jobs Plan is available HERE.