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Fiscal Responsibilty

Inside Access: The United States Congress

Inside the walls of the United States Capitol, members of the House and Senate work to create and send bills to the President’s desk to sign into law. But what are our elected officials doing on a day to day basis. I had the opportunity to meet with Democratic Congressman Matt Cartwright as he was getting out of a meeting with the Commerce- Justice-Science committee where he is a…

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo visits Pittston

“It was an honor to welcome Secretary Raimondo to Northeastern Pennsylvania and show off Pittston’s many thriving small businesses and impressive revitalization Pittston has undergone a real renaissance in the last decade,” Cartwright said. “It was a lively and engaging discussion about how we can create new economic opportunities for Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

Cartwright Statement on President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget proposal

Commerce, Justice and Science Committee Ranking Member Matt Cartwright, (PA-08) released the following statement today on President Biden’s fiscal year 2024 budget proposal:  “The Biden Administration’s budget proposal makes strong investments in our future, including for efforts of the agencies funded within the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies appropriations bill.…

Cartwright Statement on Medicare Disinformation Campaign

Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08) released the following statement in the wake of a disinformation campaign by the insurance industry that the White House aims to cut Medicare: "Social Security and Medicare represent our promise to seniors of a secure retirement, and I’m committed to protecting these programs. I’ve been a strong advocate for the protection of Social Security and…

Rep. Cartwright Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) released the following statement following President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Address.  "President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address was a needed message of unity and progress that really hit home. Investments in infrastructure and advanced manufacturing and the reduction of prescription drug prices now coming online are…

Cartwright Announces PMVB’s Chris Barrett as his Guest at State of the Union

Today, U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) announced that his guest for the 2023 State of the Union Address on Tuesday will be Chris Barrett, President and CEO of the Pocono Mountain Visitors Bureau. This year’s State of the Union will highlight legislative achievements that Congress has delivered over the past two years, including 2021’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and…

Cartwright letter to Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding unusually high PPL Electric Utility bills

Congressman Matt Cartwright issued the following official letter to Gladys Brown Dutrieuille, Chair of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, after constituent complaints to his office regarding unusually high PPL Electric Utility bills. Dear Chairman Dutrieuille, Since early January, my office has been in touch with a number of 8th Congressional District residents who have…

Cartwright, Meuser talk 118th Congress from opposite sides of the aisle

“I’m more committed than ever to bringing this funding home to drive regional economic growth, create jobs, fight crime, and provide much-needed public works projects,” Cartwright said. Right now, both chambers of Congress are held by extremely thin margins. Without a doubt, both parties will have to find some common ground to enact our respective agendas for the next two years.”

Poconos flora and fauna and Route 209 targeted in Cartwright legislation passed in funding bill

“The Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is one our district’s greatest outdoor recreation areas and home to a stretch of road that’s essential to the business community and residents in the surrounding area. Thanks to the Route 209 legislation and my Native Plant Species Pilot Program Act, we can protect Northeastern Pennsylvania’s local economy and access for school buses and emergency vehicles while helping preserve the ecosystem of our beloved natural landscapes,” said Rep. Cartwright.

Cartwright’s 15 community funding requests were approved: Where will money go?

As U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08), a senior member of the House Committee on Appropriations, announces that all 15 of his community project funding requests were included in the final 2023 federal omnibus spending package that passed, with $52.7 million coming to the Eighth District, his office provided information about what would be funded in Pike County and elsewhere in the district.